📄️ Quick Start to fuel tuning
These instructions make some pretty serious assumptions:
📄️ Air Fuel Ratio
Air fuel ratio or AFR refers to the mass ratio of air to fuel involved in a combustion cycle. The AFR is important as the amount of fuel injected into the engine is one of the most significant combustion parameters that the ECU can control. The ECU takes the target AFR and determines the correct mass of fuel to inject based on the mass of air approximated using the temperature and pressure.
📄️ Acceleration Compensation
What is acceleration compensation and why do I need it?
📄️ What is charge temperature estimation
Charge temp estimation is a method of predicting the temperature of air moving past the intake valve into the cylinder from less than perfect measurements elsewhere. The temperature of the air entering the cylinder is what matters most for engine management but it is virtually impossible to measure because sensors can't be installed in the cylinder head and they take time to get a stable reading. Charge temp estimation seeks to make a better estimate than reading any one sensor present on the engine. Why not just read the temperature from an air temp sensor in a MAF or charge pipe? The air moving into the engine picks up heat from the engine bay, intake manifold, cylinder head before it actually enters the engine. This additional heat that the air soaks up isn't measured by the sensor. Charge temp estimation tries to mathematically model this extra heat soak to provide a better answer than the sensor alone can provide.
📄️ What is knock and why it matters
Knock is rapid, uncontrolled combustion which results in a correspondingly extremely fast increase in cylinder pressure. Knock is often accompanied by extremely high instantaneous combustion temperatures. Knock earned its name from the knocking or rattling noise that is audible from pressure waves smacking pieces of engine.
📄️ Multi-Dimensional Mapping, what is it and how to benefit from it
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📄️ Spark timing, MBT and combustion
📄️ What to put into this section
Use this folder for covering the overall topics of why things are needed, this is the place to talk about things like why an engine needs certain AFRs, why timing needs to be reduced, what is knock, why do you need to add fuel on acceleration etc