🗃️ ETB
6 items
🗃️ VVT
3 items
📄️ CAN
What is CAN and CANBUS?
📄️ Cylinder Angle Offset Configuration
Manual configuration of the cylinder bank angles for oddfire and difficult engines.
📄️ Debug Mode
Debug mode is planned to be obsoleted.
🗃️ Fuel-Related
5 items
🗃️ GDI
1 items
📄️ Knock Control
📄️ Launch Control
Or how to break your gearbox and engine
📄️ Lua Scripting
Use Lua to extend and customize firmware behavior
📄️ MAP Sampling Angle
📄️ Multi Dimension Mapping
Basic outline
📄️ Override VE. Ignition and AFR table axis
🗃️ Rotary
1 items
📄️ Smart Alternator Control
🗃️ Spark-Related
1 items